Hair Ventilation


Ventilated Wig Lace Front

University of Minnesota’s School for Lies, Costume Design by Matthew Lefebvre

Completed lace front.

Additional wefts stitched in for highlights in the wig body.

Ventilation process, multiple hair colors.

Stretching the lace.

Patterned from actor’s head in fitting.


1930s Mustache

University of Minnesota Class Project

Completed mustache project.

Closer look at hair color variation within ventilated work.

Completed ventilation, pre-trim.

Rendering of mustache design.

Research inspiration.



University of Minnesota Class Project

Completed sideburns project.

Closer look at hair color variation within ventilated work.

Completed ventilation, pre-trim.

Rendering of sideburns design.

Research inspiration.


Beard (In Process)

University of Minnesota Class Project

Beginning of ventilation process.

Dart process in lace.

Beard blocking process after patterning.